Our Process

Learn about the steps we take to turn your vision into reality
Sit back and relax while we handle everything. Whether you need to refresh your existing fitness space, or a full garage gym overhaul, we take care of all design aspects. Stay informed every step of the way with our "Information Guides" and regular updates. Designing your dream fitness space should be stress-free and easy, and that's what we aim to provide. With our 5 step process, we do the heavy lifting so you don’t have to:

1. Video Call- We kick off with a 30-minute video call to introduce ourselves, provide an overview of our process, discuss project scope, budget, and timelines.

2. Job Walk - Next, we'll schedule an on-site meeting at your home for the initial visit. During this time, feel free to discuss your ideas and show us the areas you want to renovate, while we address any additional questions and details.
Cost: $150

3. Design - Here comes the fun part! The process starts with receiving your homework (a design questionnaire and Pinterest board). Then, we'll have a design concept meeting to discuss aesthetic direction, color palette, and equipment and functionality options, before moving onto materials and selections. We will provide you with finalized 2D spatial layouts, 3D renderings, mood boards, and equipment specs.

Cost: $200/hour
Residential Space: Requires approximately 10-12 hours
Commercial Space: Requires approximately 20 hours

4. Pre-Construction - This is where we estimate costs for your project based on your preferences. Trade partners provide estimates, we collect quotes for fitness equipment, recovery tools, and appliances, and we finalize aesthetics. After determining all costs, we present you with a detailed proposal for review and adjustments before signing the contract.

Cost: $150/hour
Residential Space: Requires approximately 8-10 hours
Commercial Space: Requires approximately 10-15 hours

5. Construction - You’ve signed the contract and set a date for D-Day, (demo day)! We have a solid team of trade partners ensuring proper installation and completion of our design. Rest assured, we'll keep you updated on progress at every stage. We do everything in our power to ensure we hit our deadline so you can start enjoying workouts in the comfort of your own home.

Ready to get started? Book an appointment today.